For Faculty
Program Provider Requirement
In order to provide adequate logistical support, meet safety standards and university
contractual requirements, faculty are required to work with a provider, university
partner, and/or third-party provider.
Benefits of a Provider:
- Pre-departure services & logistics
- Streamlining payments & coordination
- On-the-ground support, including local staff
- Unique recommendations & access
- Timely facilitation of changes & adjustments while abroad
- Emergency response & risk management
- Improved services and reduced financial transactions on the ground
Faculty-led Program Request
- Please contact Education Abroad:
- Submit a Program Development Request Form
Proposing a Faculty-led Program
Developing a faculty-led program, short term (2 to 10 weeks) or semester-long, is a lengthy process that involves early discussions as well as timely completion of a detailed proposal form. The general recommendation is to work with the department on the academic content, as well as with your Education Abroad office regarding the requirements and access to resources, such as education providers that can deliver logistical support in the foreign location.
Below are general steps to consider:
Preliminary Step: Thinking about creating a faculty-led program in a foreign location?
The proposal submission is typically done 12 months ahead to allow approvals, development, recruitment and student preparation for the program. Faculty interested in creating a faculty-led program should contact their Education Abroad office to learn about resources and requirements. You may request a list of vetted providers for the location you have in mind, as your proposal will request the name of the partner or provider you will work with. Contact: Dr. Johana Perez Weisenberger Email:
Step 1: Academic Review and Support
Faculty-led courses need to show in their syllabi that more than 50% of the contact hours will be taught abroad. Contact hours are lectures, activities, and visits that directly relate to the course content. Meal, transportation time, or cultural visits may not be counted as contact hours. The typical ratio includes 1 credit hour per week with 15 contact hours.
Step 2: Creating and Submitting a Proposal
Education Abroad staff can guide faculty in the course proposal process.
- Proposal Deadlines - due to Education abroad office at
- FEBRUARY 1 for programs with course registration in Spring semester, including Winter Break and May.
- MAY 1 for programs with course registration in Summer and for August programs with course registration in Fall.
- OCTOBER 1 for programs with course registration in Fall semester.
Resources & Documents:
Academic Application for the Committee
Mission Trip Application for the Committee
Program Application for CUVIA software
******IMPORTANT NOTE: If the links above don't open properly, contact the to be able to access the shared folder with all the important documents.
Step 3: Once a Proposal is Endorsed
Your Education Abroad office will submit the proposal to the Education Abroad committee. Faculty will receive an endorsement letter confirming that the program planning can proceed from the EA office.
An Education Abroad advisor will be assigned to work with faculty to provide assistance throughout the many phases of development, implementation, and post-program activities as well as in emergency and crisis situations abroad.
Non-Academic Study Abroad
Step 1: Vetting Destination for Travel Risk
It is vital to ensure your chosen destination(s) are not on the US government Travel
Advisory list Travel Advisories ( Any travel planned to and/or through extreme-risk and/or high-risk regions included
on this list, will require additional travel authorization approval.
If your destination(s) are not on the list, please proceed to the next step.
Step 2: Support and Approval
If wishing to propose and lead a non-academic group, please meet with the appropriate
administrator within your entity to discuss your program and obtain approval. Departments/colleges
may have an internal deadline and additional documents required.
Note that with the implementation of new requirements and processes, we encourage
department staff to contact Education Abroad in advance to discuss the steps, resources,
and protocols in place. Education Abroad can provide a list of program providers to deliver logistical support
in the foreign location by contacting:
Step 3: Proposing a Non-Academic Group Program
Once the program leader/coordinator has developed the program and worked on a budget with their business office, submit the Non-Academic Group Proposal
**We do not recommend making any payments or reservations for the program prior to receiving approval from Education Abroad.
- Spring
- Spring Break
- Winter Break
- May
- Summer
- August
- Fall
- July 1st
- Priority Deadline: December 1st
- Late Deadline: February 1st
Step 4: If Charging a Fee to Student Accounts
If your entity will pay for all program expenses or students will pay the provider
directly, you may skip this step.
However, if the department will collect funds from the students to pay for the program expenses, pre-authorization must be requested and obtained first through the Finance office. This process is facilitated by Education Abroad and must be done before the
proposal submission deadlines listed below. Please contact our office as soon as possible to begin this step.
Step 5: Endorsement & Registration
Upon receipt of the Non-Academic Group Program proposal, Education Abroad office will
contact and work with the program/coordinator with next steps, including opening the
program application in the Education Abroad Portal.
The Education Abroad office will work with the program leader/coordinator and student participants to complete
training and preparation.