Masters of Social Work (MSW) Program
The Masters of Social Work Program at CU views social work as a helping profession sanctioned by society to assist in the elimination of human suffering.
Social work evolved from natural helping networks into a profession designed to systematically address social problems and human needs. In order to achieve this purpose, the profession takes two approaches:
- To work to change social institutions, organizations and communities to better meet the needs of people and
- To help people identify and utilize their own strengths and to connect them with the resources which they lack.
The MSW Program responds to a need in continuing education throughout life and provides students an opportunity to attain a master degree that prepares them for leadership, program development and administration. This preparation is accomplished through graduate studies, professional service and participation in local, regional, state, and national conferences.
The MSW program prepares graduates to work in a variety of settings with a variety of client types and social and familial systems. Models emphasizing the ecological and strength perspectives are infused throughout the educational experience. Using these models within a Christian / Social Work value base, graduates are prepared to provide assessment and intervention with individuals, families, groups, communities, and organizations.
Application and Handbook
Application Online Program Handbook
The Masters of Social Work program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) and open to all undergraduate degrees. If you have graduated from an accredited Bachelors in Social Work program, you may qualify for the Advanced standing track which is 30 credit hours. If you hold an undergraduate degree in a discipline other than social work, you may apply to the Foundation Social Work program which requires 60 credit hours.
Admission to the Program
The Campbellsville application process is simple and straightforward. Follow these steps to begin your journey:
- Applicants must submit a completed university graduate application form.
- Applicants must submit a completed Carver School MSW Graduate Program application Form.
- Applicants must have completed a Baccalaureate degree with a minimum of 15 credit hours of liberal arts education confirming a minimum overall grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
- If a student does not have a minimum GPA of 3.0, they will need to write a brief statement explaining 1) What prevented them from achieving a 3.0 GPA, 2) What steps will they take to ensure they are successful in the MSW program.
- Applicants must submit official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended (undergraduate and graduate).
- Applicants seeking advanced standing must have completed a Baccalaureate Social Work
Degree from a CSWE accredited program and have an overall GPA of 3.0.
a. Advanced standing applicants not meeting the GPA requirement, may submit proof BSW licensure for additional consideration - Applicants must submit three recommendations using the standardized social work program recommendation form as presented in the MSW Program application packet. These letters of recommendation cannot be from current or previous family members. There references need to speak to your professionalism, work ethic and academic capabilities.
- Applicants must submit a signed statement of understanding and affirming their support for the contents of the Social Work Professional and Technical Standards.
Please note New Mexico does not accept any field placements for schools located outside their state.
Applications for fall term close on June 15. Applications for spring term close on Nov. 15. Application for summer term close on March 15.
Course Offerings
This program includes 30 hours of study for advanced standing students. The full two year program is 60 credit hours and can be completed in as little as 21 months.
Foundation Curriculum (30 credit hours)
Take each course on this list (three credits each unless otherwise noted):
SWK 510 Foundation Practicum I
SWK 511 Foundation Practicum II
SWK 520 Human Development
SWK 530 Research Methods
SWK 545 Practice Foundation I-Individuals
SWK 546 Practice Foundation II-Families
SWK 547 Practice Foundation III-Communities
SWK 548 Practice Foundation IV-Groups
SWK 570 Cultural Competency
SWK 575 Policy & Practice
Advanced Generalist Curriculum (30 credit hours)
Take each course on this list (three credits each unless otherwise noted):
SWK 610 Advanced Practicum I
SWK 611 Advanced Practicum II
SWK 615 World Problems & Advocacy
SWK 626 Advanced Practice With Children and Families
SWK 655 Program Evaluation
SWK 660 Psychopathology
SWK 665 Leadership & Supervision in Social Work
SWK Elective
Clinical Area of Focus
(Three credits each unless otherwise noted)
SWK 650 Change Theory
SWK 661 Clinical Diagnosis & Behavioral Psychopharmacology
SWK 692 Theories for Social Work Practice
Addiction Area of Focus
(Three credits each unless otherwise noted)
SWK 650 Change Theory
SWK 661 Clinical Diagnosis & Psychopharmacology
SWK 681 Addictions
Faith-Based Area of Focus
(3 credit hours unless otherwise specified)
SWK 630 Experiential Learning 3
SWK 685 Managing Non-Profit Organizations 3
SWK 601 Integrating Spirituality and Practice 3
Electives (3 credit hours)
Choose three courses (if not choosing an Area of Focus):
SWK 630 Global Experiential Learning
SWK 680 Special Topics
SWK 682 Human Trafficking Interventions
SWK 685 Community Development and Grant Writing
SWK 686 School Social Work
SWK 687 Medical Social Work
Speak to your advisor for more options.
Note: Students pursuing a Master of Social Work will need 900 practicum hours combined
(Bachelor of Social Work and Master of Social Work) field practice, thus degree completion
requires the remainder of said 900 hours of approved experience. Students are responsible for finding and securing their own field placements.
*There is a required course fee of $200 for SWK 611
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Assessments of Student Learning Outcomes:
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