Course Offerings

Social Studies - No Teacher Certification: 69 Hours


Economics: 9 Hours

Choose two courses from this list:
ECO 110* Introduction to Economics 3
ECO 221* Macroeconomics 3
ECO 222* Microeconomics 3

Choose any course in this category:
ECO Upper Division Elective 3

Geography: 9 Hours

GEG 315 World Geography 3
GEG 321 Cultural Geography and Anthropology 3
GEG 442 Political Geography 3

History: 18 Hours

Take each course on this list:
HST 110* United States to 1877 3
HST 120* United States Since 1877 3
HST 231* World Civilization to 1650 3
HST 242* World Civilization Since 1650 3

Choose two courses in this category:
HST Upper Division Electives

Political Science: 15 Hours

POL 110* American Government 3

Choose one course in this category:
POL Any POL course not previously taken

Choose three courses in this category:
POL Any Upper Division course not previously taken

Psychology: 9 Hours

PSY 111* General Psychology 3

Choose one course in this category:
PSY Any PSY course not previously taken

Choose one course in this category:
PSY Any Upper Division course not previously taken

Sociology: 9 Hours

SOC 110* Introduction to Sociology 3

Choose one course in this category:
SOC Any SOC course not previously taken

Choose one course in this category:
SOC Any Upper Division course not previously taken