Campbellsville Academic Response Effort (C.A.R.E) to help students!

We strongly encourage Faculty or Staff to use this form for ANY STUDENT who is struggling with:
Attendance Concerns
Academic Performance Concerns
Online Participation

C.A.R.E. Alerts provide critical information on student success. When we receive a C.A.R.E. Early Alert or Absence Warning notification, faculty advisors, athletic coaches, and/or Success Coaches will contact the student regarding the report.  While we cannot guarantee success with every student, we will work hard to contact students in a timely manner in order to give them the chance to get back on the path to success.

Undergraduate Student Attendance Policy:
Students are required to attend all class meetings of courses for which they are registered.  If, for any reason, a student is absent from class the number of times that the class meets in two weeks during a semester, or an equivalent amount of time during term courses and other academic sessions, the course instructor must notify the Early Alert Coordinator. The Early Alert Coordinator will send a written warning of attendance deficiency to the student, the student’s advisor, coach, or other person(s) responsible for any school organization providing the student with a performance grant, or for which the student must maintain intercollegiate competitive eligibility.

Online Course Attendance Policy:

Bi-term; and 8 week terms: Online students must participate weekly as defined by the professor in the syllabus. After 1 week (12.5%, 1/8 of the scheduled classes) without contact, the student will be issued an official warning. After the second week (25%, 1/4 of the scheduled class) without contact, the student will fail the course and a WA will be recorded.

 For full semester (16 weeks): Online students must participate weekly as defined by the professor in the syllabus. After the 2nd week (12.5%, 1/8 of the scheduled classes) without contact, the student will be issued an official warning. After the 4th week (25%, 1/4 of the scheduled class) without contact, the student will fail the course and a WA will be recorded. 

Graduate Student Attendance Policy:
The academic integrity of graduate programs at Campbellsville University depends on students attending all scheduled class meetings. Students should discuss with faculty, in advance, any portion of a class meeting they cannot attend. Students are expected to attend and to participate fully in all class meetings. In exceptional circumstances when students need to be absent from a class, they should discuss with the faculty member, in advance, any portion of a class meeting they cannot attend. One absence is allowed, generating a warning, two absences result in a WA.

As part of their syllabus, faculty members establish expectations regarding family or medical emergency and “milestone” circumstances that may necessitate student absence from class.

Absence Warnings:
Faculty are encouraged to submit an Absence Warning for any student whose absences meets or exceeds the attendance policy below:

  • If the class meets one time per week, a warning will be given after two absences per semester.
  • If the class meets two times per week, a warning will be given after four absences per semester.
  • If the class meets three times per week, a warning will be given after six absences per semester.
    The above applies to 16-week terms.

For all other classes, a warning will be given after 12.5% of the total number of scheduled class meetings per semester (or equivalent) have been missed, during term courses or academic sessions reported through the C.A.R.E. Form. 

Withdrawal From Class Due to Excessive Absence:
If, for any reason, a student is absent from class the number of times that the class meets in four weeks during a semester, or an equivalent amount of time during term courses and other academic sessions, the course instructor must notify the Early Alert Coordinator who will initiate the withdrawal of the student from the class with a grade of WA (Withdrawn-Absenteeism). A grade of WA will earn zero quality points, as calculated for GPA purposes. Students for whom withdrawal from a course is initiated by the Director of Academic Support will be allowed to withdraw from said course with a grade of W if the action is taken by both parties within the normal withdrawal time period.

Faculty are encouraged to submit a Withdrawal from Class due to Absenteeism (WA) for any student whose absences meets or exceeds the attendance policy below:

  • If the class meets one time per week, a student will be administratively withdrawn after four absences per semester.
  • If the class meets two times per week, a student will be administratively withdrawn after eight absences per semester.
  • If the class meets three times per week, a student will be administratively withdrawn after twelve absences per semester.
    The above applies to 16-week terms.

For all other classes, a WA (withdrawal-absenteeism) will be issued after 25% of the total number of scheduled class meetings per semester (or equivalent) during term courses and other academic sessions reported through the C.A.R.E. Form.

The Grade Appeal Process in the University Bulletin/Catalog addresses students’ rights relative to this policy.