CU's affordable online Christian ministry certificate teaches the advanced skills for biblical and theological studies, ministry and leadership.
50 Most Affordable Christian Colleges and Universities

Ranked 4th Most Affordable Among Christian Colleges in U.S.

Program Details

Next Start Date: September 3rd

Upcoming Course: CHS 111: Introduction to Old Testament Study

Course Length: 8 Weeks

Estimated Length: 1 Year

Credit Hours: 27

Cost Per Course: $550

Accreditation: SACSCOC

Certificate - Christian Ministry Overview

The Certificate in Christian Ministry in Williamson, W.Va. offers a unique, hybrid approach for increasing ministry skills.  This program offers the flexibility of online combined with in-person classwork delivered in Williamson by instructors from the Campbellsville University School of Theology. In each of the three in-person sessions, you will learn from real world pastors and theologians.  Take the next step in your ministry education by enrolling in this new and exciting opportunity.

The Christian ministry certificate provides a strong foundation in theology. You will explore the biblical, historical and practical fundamentals of ministry work and can therefore enhance your career in areas such as ministry, missions or church administration. The program includes significant study of subjects like the Old Testament, New Testament, pastoral ministries, church history, Christian theology, philosophy and the Gospels. The certificate will help you become a professional servant leader who can create a positive impact on their communities.

The ministry certificate features the same high-quality education as Campbellsville's other undergraduate and graduate degree programs. Simply complete the certificate to advance your career or utilize the program as a stepping-stone for the associate or bachelor's ministry degrees. The certificate can be completed in about a year, and there are six start dates available for the eight-week courses.

The ministry certificate is perfect for those who wish to become involved in Christian ministry, are already ministers serving churches or are ministers who have been unable to engage in a lengthy post-secondary program.

The program is designed and taught by faculty members who will help deepen your relationship with Christ and have real-world Christian ministry experience. It is also fully online, so the busy individual can conveniently complete their coursework during their own time.

Campbellsville University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

Course Map

The certificate in Christian ministry consists of the student's choice of nine courses, for a total of 27 credit hours. The certificate only requires ministry courses and has no general education requirements.


Course Map

Choose nine of the following:

  • CHS 111: Introduction to Old Testament Study
  • CHS 121: Introduction to New Testament Study
  • CHS 130: Christ and Culture
  • CHS 312: Old Testament Prophets (or other upper-division Old Testament studies course)
  • CHS 323: Studies in the Gospels (or other upper-division Old Testament studies course)
  • CHS 352: Pastoral Ministries
  • CHS 353: Ministry of Proclamation
  • CHS 354: Introduction to Christian Evangelism
  • CHS 432: Christian Theology
  • CHS 471: Church History
  • PHI 241: Introduction to Philosophy


Admission to the Program

To apply to Campbellsville's certificate in Christian ministry, prospective students must submit or complete the following:

  1. Complete the application.
  2. Submit official copies of transcripts from each college or university previously or currently attended, along with a complete record of all courses attempted, to the Office of Admissions.
  3. If transferring less than 24 credit hours, submit official copies of high school transcripts and ACT or SAT scores to the Office of Admissions.