
Spanish Major          Spanish Education P-12          Spanish Minor

"CU's Spanish Education program provided me with incredible professional and cultural learning opportunities. My experience in the program helped prepare me for the Spanish classroom, both at the elementary and secondary levels. I am truly grateful for my time at CU and for the wonderful professors and classes that equipped me to be the best Spanish teacher I could be."- Savannah Workman, Spanish Teacher, Boyle County Schools



I am thankful I added a Spanish minor to my theology degree because it prepared me for conversations with Hispanic students both at my church and in other countries spreading the gospel.”-Josh Doolin, Youth/Worship Pastor, Anderson Christian Church.



“For me, studying Spanish was the best decision I could have made in college. I am now working at a university and am one of two employees who speak Spanish, so I am constantly talking to parents and students in Spanish as well as translating for my coworkers. Studying Spanish has not only helped me professionally, but in my personal life as well because it has given me a broader perspective on different cultures and I use that information on a daily basis.”- Maria Metcalf, Community College Initiative Program Coordinator
