Community Prayer Service to be April 4 in Campbellsville University’s Ransdell Chapel

By Jesse Russell | 03/26/2018

By Jesse Russell, student news writer, Office of University Communications

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. - A Community Prayer Service in recognition of the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., will be Wednesday, April 4 at 6 p.m. in the Ransdell Chapel, 401 N. Hoskins Ave., Campbellsville, Ky.

“This service will be a time of prayer and worship for the unity of our community and nation and is being sponsored by Greater Campbellsville United (GCU), Campbellsville University and several individuals and churches in the community,” Dr. John Chowning, executive assistant to Campbellsville University's president for government, community and constituent relations, said.

“We encourage local churches, which have Wednesday evening services, to prayerfully consider attending this prayer service,” Chowning said.

This service is being held in recognition of the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis, Tenn. on the evening of April 4, 1968. It is sponsored by Greater Campbellsville United, Campbellsville University and several individuals and churches in the community.

“The purpose of this service is to come together as a community to pray for unity of purpose and spirit in these days and to remember Dr. King's work and ministry to bring about positive change,” Chowning said.

King was working for justice, equality and opportunity for all people in addition to his leadership of the historic Civil Rights movement that advanced the cause of equal rights for African-Americans.

“We believe that Dr. King, 50 years after his death in Memphis, would have us to come together as a community and to commit to making Campbellsville-Taylor County, our state, nation and the world, a better place in which all people are seen as being created in the image of God and made one through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are called to continue working to bring people together and to be advocates for opportunity for all,” Chowning said.

Chowning invites everyone to attend. “What a powerful testimony it would be if we can gather a large crowd in Ransdell Chapel on this historic date and to speak with one voice to God as we pray for unity and continued forward progress in our community. We hope to see you there.”