Inspiring a Story: A Personal Experience with Jesse Stuart

Inspiring a Story: A Personal Experience with Jesse Stuart

Jul 26, 2017

Glen Edward Taul “Today I have not written a story I planned to write. This has taken one of our last days in time allotted to us to live. Bu...

Sleeping Among the Natives The Moravian Missions to Shekomeko and Pachgatoch

Jul 26, 2017

John R. Burch, Jr., PhD From 1734 to 1782, few missionary groups had as much success in attracting Native Americans to Christianity as the Re...

From the Editor

Jul 26, 2017

Within these covers of The Campbellsville Review's seventh issue, there is a variety of writing that reflects the intellectual interests of t...

The Making of Violence: Motives, Means, and Masculinity

Jul 26, 2017 | self and violent hands” (Macbeth 5.9.36) With those words[2] Malcom describes Lady Macbeth’s supposed suicide

Mary Jane Chaffee[1] “By self and violent hands” (Macbeth 5.9.36) With those words[2] Malcom describes Lady Macbeth's supposed suicide, which...

The Stories (and Life) of Breece D’J Pancake

Jul 26, 2017

Nathan Gower[1] Breece D'J Pancake was a West Virginian and a fiction writer, notably in that order. He wrote only twelve short stories - pub...