My View of the Next “Greatest Generation”

Aug 2, 2017

(as seen on November 12, 2008) Judith Collins McCormick As a forty-two-year old female professor of literature, I find that my perspective on...

The King James Bible

The King James Bible

Aug 2, 2017

Translating as a Political Act Glen Edward Taul Lecture, 400th Anniversary Celebration of the King James Bible Campbellsville University Octo...


Aug 2, 2017

Judith Collins McCormick The baby monitor inches from my hand, I sit at my desk sorting pictures of your first six months and listen to your...

The Prodigal Printer Henry Hills

Aug 2, 2017

The Baptist Publisher of the King James Bible Larry Kreitzer Lecture, 400th Anniversary Celebration of the King James Bible Campbellsville Un...

King James Bible at 400 900 Years of Getting the Bible into “English”

King James Bible at 400 900 Years of Getting the Bible into “English”

Aug 1, 2017

An Illustrated Lecture Joel F. Drinkard, Jr. Lecture, 400th Anniversary Celebration of the King James Bible Campbellsville University Novembe...