Residence Halls 16

Alpha Phi Sigma Chapter Bylaws

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Section 1.  The name of this organization shall be known as Pi Gamma Omega Chapter at Campbellsville University, a local chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma, which is the National Criminal Justice Honor Society.



Section 1. The Mission of Alpha Phi Sigma is to promote analytical thinking, rigorous scholarship and life-long learning; to keep abreast of the advances in scientific research; to elevate the ethical standards of the criminal justice professions and to sustain in the public mind the benefit and necessity of education and professional training.

Section 2. Goals.  The Goals of Alpha Phi Sigma shall be to honor and promote academic excellence; service; leadership and unity.

Section 3.  Purpose. The purpose of Pi Gamma Omega chapter is to promote servant leadership through criminal justice at Campbellsville University.

Section 4. Oath of Membership. In the presence of the Alpha Phi Sigma members here assembled, I do hereby solemnly promise to uphold the ideals and traditions, maintain high moral character and commit myself to be governed by the Bylaws of the Alpha Phi Sigma, the National Criminal Justice Honor Society and the local and national officers.



Section 1.  Membership. The Pi Gamma Omega shall have the following members:

Collegiate Members and Faculty Members (otherwise known as “Active Members”);

Honorary Members (otherwise known as “Members”) and Alumni Members (otherwise known as Alumni Members or Alumni Association Members) Criteria for memberships are set forth below.

Section 2. Criteria for Membership.  Members of Pi Gamma Omega chapter shall meet the following minimum membership criteria: [Any chapter, at its discretion, may establish higher criteria.]

A. Collegiate Members (Active Members). Collegiate members shall be students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate programs at Campbellsville University. The chapter advisor shall make nominations of collegiate members. Election shall be by a two-thirds vote of the chapter. Membership applications shall be signed by the chapter advisor, submitted to and accepted by the National Headquarters.

  1. Undergraduate students shall be enrolled in Campbellsville University, have declared a major, minor or equivalent in the criminal justice or related field, have completed three full time semesters or its equivalent, have a minimum GPA of 3.2 on a 4.0 scale and rank in the top 35% of their class.A minimum of four courses of the above course work shall be in the criminal justice field.
  2. Graduate students shall be enrolled in a graduate program in criminal justice or related field; have completed four courses; have a minimum GPA of 3.4 on a 4.0 scale or rank in the upper 25% of their class.
  3. Transfer Any Alpha Phi Sigma member whotransfers to Campbellsville University shall be accepted into Pi Gamma Omega chapter and shall pay the local chapter fee, if any.  After one term, the member shall be subject to all rules, regulations, and requirements of Pi Gamma Omega.  National Headquarters will not issue a new certificate of membership unless specifically requested by the chapter advisor and paid for by the member.

B. Faculty Members .Faculty and administration involvement is recognized and encouraged. Candidates for faculty membership must be full-time faculty or administrators in a criminal justice related field.  They must have completed a minimum of one year full-time teaching/administrative duties at Campbellsville University and be elected by majority vote during a regular meeting.  Membership applications shall be approved and signed by the chapter advisor, submitted to and accepted by National Headquarters.

C. Honorary Members (Members). Honorary membership recognizes community people who have made distinctive scholarly and research contributions to the criminal justice field or who have provided outstanding support for Pi Gamma Omega.  Honorary Members may not be students. The Pi Gamma Omega Advisor shall approve nominations. Pi Gamma Omega may grant no more than three honorary memberships in any academic year.  Honorary Members must be elected by a 2/3 vote of the chapter. Pi Gamma Omega members may elect Honorary Members during a regular meeting. Membership applications shall be approved and signed by the chapter advisor, submitted to and accepted by National Headquarters.

D. Professional Members (Members). Others meeting the following criteria may be elected to professional membership by Pi Gamma Omega chapter and contribute a one-time fee to National Headquarters.

i. earned one or more degrees in criminal justice or related field with a minimum cumulative 3.2 GPA on a 4.0 scale and rank in the top 35% of the class as undergraduates or with a minimum cumulative 3.4 GPA on 4.0 scale or rank in the top 25% of their class as graduate students and not been previously initiated into the Society, or

ii. working in the field of criminal justice as a criminal justice practitioner for a minimum of two (2) years and earned one or more degrees in a non-related field with a minimum cumulative 3.2 GPA on 4.0 scale and rank in the top 35% of the class as undergraduates or with a minimum cumulative 3.4 GPA or rank in the upper 25% of their class as graduate students.

E. Alumni Members. Pi Gamma Omega members in good standing at the time of graduation from Campbellsville University are alumni members.

F. Alumni Association Members. Alumni Association Members are Alpha Phi Sigma alumni members who have applied for membership in the Alumni Association. There are three categories in the National Alumni Association:  Annual, Lifetime, and Professional Members.

  1. AnnualAlumni shall apply for membership and contribute an annual fee to the Alumni Association.
  2. LifetimeAlumni shall apply for membership and contribute a one-time fee.

Section 3. Additional Qualifications/Nondiscrimination.  Membership in Pi Gamma Omega is open to qualified candidates including persons with disability, without regard to age, color, gender, national origin, race, religion, and/or sexual orientation.

Section 4. Privileges of Membership.  Active Members shall have the right to vote, hold appropriate office, be elected or appointed to committees of the Pi Gamma Omega.  Faculty members, Honorary members, Professional members, and Alumni members shall have all the privileges of active members except the right to vote, hold office or serve on committees, unless allowed at the chapter level.

Section 5. Dues.  The national dues, fees and assessments for each category of membership shall be determined annually by the National Advisory Board. Local chapter dues shall be set as part Pi Gamma Omega’s standing rules by a simple majority vote of active members.

Section 6. Voting of Active Members.  Each Active Member of Pi Gamma Omega is entitled to one vote upon each matter submitted to a vote at a chapter meeting of its members.  Chapter voting is in accordance with the bylaws of this chapter.

Section 7. Resignation of Membership.  An active member desiring to resign from the Society shall submit such resignation in writing to the Chapter Advisor.  The Chapter Advisor shall forward the acceptance of such resignation to the Executive Director who will remove the name from the national registry.  Any member having resigned from membership may be reinstated with good reason upon application to the Chapter Advisor and upon meeting such uniform terms and conditions as may be established by the Chapter and the National Advisory Board.  After acceptance by the Chapter Advisor, it is then submitted with explanation to the Executive Director. A member resigning shall not be entitled to return of dues, either local or national.

Section 8. Suspension or Termination of Membership.   In addition, membership in the Society may be suspended or terminated by the Alpha Phi Sigma National Advisory Board for just cause. Sufficient cause for such suspension or termination of membership may result from violation of the National Bylaws or any lawful rule or practice adopted by the Society or other conduct deemed by the National Advisory Board to be prejudicial to the best interests of the Society. A statement of the charges shall be sent by registered mail to the last recorded address of the member, accompanied by notice of the time and place of the meeting at which the charges are to be considered. At least thirty days notice shall be given, and the member shall have the opportunity to appear in person or to be represented by counsel and to present any defense to such charges before action is taken by the National Advisory Board. The Board may adopt such rules as may be necessary to assure due process to the member. The decision for suspension or termination shall be by a two-thirds vote of the National Advisory Board. A member suspended or terminated for just cause shall not be entitled to return of dues.

Members may be removed as local chapter members according to the process outlined below.  [Chapters should have a process that focuses on due process and fairness.  The process outlined below may be used.  Check with your student government for guidance in this section.Grounds for Removal:  Any member not fulfilling the requirement as outlined in the bylaws of this organization to the satisfaction of the voting membership or violating Campbellsville University’s policy or the Student Code of Conduct may be removed from membership.  A simple majority vote of the total voting membership shall be required for removal of any member.  Notice of Charges:  The motion to remove a member from this organization must be presented in meeting to the total voting membership at least 2 weeks before the meeting at which the removal will be voted.  Right to Fair Hearing:  The member subject to removal shall have the right to present his/her case to the membership at the meeting in which the voting for removal is to take place.  Right to Appeal:  Appeals relating to the removal of members shall be done through the Student Services. Appeals must be made within two weeks after the vote for removal has been taken.  Form of Vote: All voting under this section shall be done by secret ballot.



Section 1. Qualifications.  All officers must be full-time students at Campbellsville University and must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2 as stated in these bylaws.

Section 2. Elected Officers. The officers of this organization will be:  (a) President, (b) Vice President, (c) Secretary (d) Treasurer, (e) Historian.

Section 3. Term of Office.  An officer shall serve for one year from his/her swearing-in, or until his/her successor is appointed or elected.

Section 4. Elections. Types of elections:  General elections will be held to replace officers whose terms are due to expire. Special elections shall be held when an office is vacated before a term has expired.  Nomination of candidates:   A candidate for office must be nominated by a voting member during the first meeting in March in the case of general elections or during the meeting immediately prior to special elections.  Time of Elections:  General elections shall be held during the first meeting in April and special elections shall be held as necessary.  Form of Vote:  All elections shall be by secret ballot.

Section 5. Duties.

A. President: Shall be the chief executive officer of the organization and shall preside over meetings; shall submit the names of all the officers of Alpha Phi Sigma to the National Headquarters and to the Campbellsville University Student Activity Office no more than four weeks after the beginning of the fall semester and within ten days of any election; shall submit additional information as required to the Student Activities Office; shall assist the Treasurer in preparation of requests for funding from the Associated Students, and shall sign said requests; shall assist the Pi Gamma Omega Chapter Advisor in completing the Chapter and Financial Reports for the Chapter Advisor to submit to the National Headquarters

B. Vice President: Shall assume the duties of the President during his/her absence and shall succeed to the position in the event that the position becomes vacant, until a special election can be held; shall be responsible for writing or amending the Bylaws of Alpha Phi Sigma and submitting them for approval to the total voting membership at the last meeting in April.

C. Secretary: Shall keep records of all meetings, record meeting minutes, record meeting attendance, and be responsible for all official Alpha Phi Sigma correspondence.

D. Treasurer: Shall be the financial officer of Alpha Phi Sigma; shall report on accounting of revenues and expenses upon request at any organizational meeting; shall prepare, at the end of each school year, all financial records for audit; shall assist the Advisor and the President in preparation of the requests for funding from the Campbellsville University. Associated Students, and shall sign said request; shall receive and dispense all monies as approved.

E. Historian: Shall maintain a written history of the Pi Gamma Omega Chapter at Campbellsville University from its inception. Historian will keep records of all events to include service projects, induction ceremonies, officer elections, and any other major events.The historian will also relate the history of our chapter to the history of the National Criminal Justice Honor Society.

Section 6. Removal of Officers. Any elected officer of the Chapter may be removed for just cause. Sufficient cause for such removal may be violation of the Chapter Bylaws or Society Bylaws or any lawful rule, practice, or procedure adopted by the Chapter or other conduct deemed to be prejudicial to the best interest of the Chapter.  In the absence of college/university formal policy for the removal of elected chapter officers, for just cause, shall follow the following procedures.  For removal of an elected officer for cause, it shall be necessary for the Chapter Executive Committee to hold a formal hearing.  A statement of the charges shall be sent by registered mail to the last recorded address of the officer, accompanied by notice of the time and place of the meeting at which the charges are to be considered.  At least thirty days notice shall be given, and the officer shall have the opportunity to appear in person, or to be represented by counsel, to present any defense to such charges before action is taken.  The Chapter Executive Committee shall adopt such rules as may be necessary to assure due process to the officer.  Upon a two-thirds affirmative vote, the Chapter Executive Committee shall recommend removal to the National Advisory Board. The National Advisory Board shall, by majority vote, approve or reject the recommendation of the Chapter Executive Committee either at the next meeting or through an electronic meeting.

Grounds for Removal: Any officer not fulfilling his/her duties as outlined in these bylaws to the satisfaction of the voting membership or who has violated a university policy or Student Code of Conduct, may be removed from office.  A simple majority vote of the total voting membership shall be required for removal of any officer.  Notice of Charges:  The motion to remove an officer from his/her position must be presented in writing to the total membership at least 2 weeks before the meeting at which the removal will be voted.  Right to Fair Hearing:  The officer subject of removal shall have the right to present his/her case to the membership at the meeting in which the removal is to take place.  Right to Appeal:  Appeals relating to the removal of officers shall be done through the Office of Associated Students Judiciary.  Appeals must be made within two weeks after the vote for removal has taken place.  Form of vote:  All voting under this section shall be done by secret ballot.



Pi Gamma Omega chapter shall have a chapter advisor, who is a full time faculty member. Pi Gamma Omega may have assistant advisors, who are full time or part time College/University faculty or Alpha Phi Sigma Alumni.  All advisors and assistant advisors should be chosen for their interest, ability to work effectively with students, and desire to promote the ideals of the Society.

Section 1:  Selection: Pi Gamma Omegashall annually designate or affirm an advisor at the time of the regular chapter elections.  Said advisor shall have no voting privileges.  Said advisor for Alpha Phi Sigma shall be selected from Pi Gamma Omega faculty at Campbellsville University

Section 2:  Duties:  The advisor shall assist the Treasurer and the President in preparation of requests for funding from Campbellsville University Associated Students, and shall sign said requests.  The advisor shall consult with the officers about the Pi Gamma Omega activities in compliance with university policies.



Section 1:  Quorum.  To conduct business, a simple majority of the total voting membership must be present at the meeting.  A simple majority of the total voting membership must be present for all elections.

Section 2:  Voting Percentages.  Motions dealing with amendments and the removal of officers will require a simple majority vote of the total voting membership.  All other motions will require a simple majority vote of the quorum to pass.

Section 3:  Parliamentary Authority.  The bylaws of Pi Gamma Omega shall be the supreme authority in parliamentary procedure at all meetings.  The bylaws of Pi Gamma Omega shall be the next highest authority.  Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the procedure used to conduct meetings except where it conflicts with these bylaws.

Section 4:  Frequency of Meetings.  Pi Gamma Omega shall meet monthly during the semester.  The President or a 2/3 majority of the total voting membership may call emergency meetings.  Written and/or verbal notice of Pi Gamma Omega meetings shall be given to all members at least 7 days prior to such meetings.  Written and/or verbal notice of special or emergency meetings shall be given to all members at least 3 days in advance.



Section 1:  The President or the Chapter Advisor shall have the authority to appoint any special committees that will meet the needs of Pi Gamma Omega.

Section 2:  Committees may include, but are not limited to membership committee, program committee, publicity committee, fund raising committee, social committee, and service committee. 



Section 1. Non Profit StatusPi Gamma Omega Chapter is a nonprofit society with an IRS assigned EIN.  The Chapter will receive its assigned EIN from the IRS through Alpha Phi Sigma Headquarters.” Pi Gamma Omega Chapter is organized exclusively for educational, charitable, and scientific purposes, including for such purposes as making distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.

Section 2. Use of FundsNo part of the net earnings of Pi Gamma Omega Chapter shall be used to the benefit of any private individual, and no substantial part of the activities of the Chapter shall involve propaganda or otherwise attempt to influence legislation, and the Chapter shall not participate in or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office (including the publishing or distribution or statements.

Section 1:  The finances of Pi Gamma Omega chapter will come from fund raising projects, individual contributions, dues, chapter awards, the Associated Students of Campbellsville University, and/or from Campbellsville University

Section 2:  The fiscal year for Pi Gamma Omega chapter shall begin July 1 and end June 30.

Section 3:  If the Pi Gamma Omega chapter dissolves, any funds will be given to the scholarship funds of the Department of Criminal Justice at Campbellsville University.  If this chapter dissolves, another chapter at this institution may not be chartered until 3 years after the dissolution of the preceding chapter.

Section 4:  An annual accounting of the ledgers will be conducted by the outgoing Treasurer and shall be available to the membership for ninety (90) days following the close of the fiscal year.



Section 1:  Standing Rules.  No member will speak in any meeting except during an open discussion period when recognized by the President or Vice-President who is acting as President, or during a discussion period when conducting chapter business.

Section 2:  Bylaws.  No bylaw shall be adopted that is contrary to the provisions of the Alpha Phi Sigma National Bylaws.  Vote Required.  The organization may adopt, amend, or rescind any bylaw by a simple majority vote of local membership.  Any proposed bylaw must be publicized in writing to the members at least one week prior to the meeting at which it is to be voted one.

Section 3:  Amendments.  A proposal to amend the bylaws must be presented to the total membership in the form of a motion at least seven (7) days before it is to be voted upon.  A proposed amendment must be adopted by a majority of the total voting membership of the chapter and must be approved by the Associated Students of Campbellsville University to become effective.



Section 1:  Responsibility.  Management of the organization shall be vested in an Executive Committee, responsible to the entire membership to uphold these bylaws.

Section 2:  Membership.  Membership shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, one member at-large, and the Advisor as a non-voting member.

Section 3:  Meetings.  The Executive Committee shall meet at least once per month to organize and plan future activities and agenda items for meetings.

Section 4.  Quorum.  A quorum of this committee shall consist of at least 3 members.


Approved by Dr. Dale Wilson, Chapter Advisor Pi Gamma Omega Campbellsville University, Campbellsville, Kentucky on August 25, 2019 by a vote of [Insert vote count]

Dale Wilson, Ph. D

Chapter Advisor