Campbellsville University hears Bethlehem Baptist Church’s Brian Jennings

By Caleb Harris | 10/04/2010

The Rev. Brian Jennings spoke at Campbellsville University's chapel on the 'glorious savior.' (Campbellsville University Photo by Bayar- magnai "Max" Nergui)

The Rev. Brian Jennings spoke at Campbellsville University’s chapel on the ‘glorious savior.’ (Campbellsville University Photo by Bayar- magnai “Max” Nergui)

Oct. 4, 2010
For Immediate Release

By Caleb Harris, student news writer

CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. — “Jesus is the bread of life; when you meet him you are transformed.”

The Rev. Brian Jennings, associate pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church of Cunningham, Ky., informed CU's students, faculty, staff and coaches recently about the key to receiving eternal life, Jesus Christ.

Jennings began his discussion speaking about how Christianity, which is supposed to be about Jesus, is often twisted and made to be about us.

He explained how people tend to make the Bible a self-help manual for themselves when the ultimate goal of the Bible is really to exalt the work of Jesus. He also mentioned that Christian music is also often self-centered.

“Christians sing songs that put themselves at the center of Christianity instead of Christ,” Jennings said.

He referenced Isaiah 53, where the Bible explains God's plan for the life of Jesus and his reason for being on the earth. He died for the sins of the world. Jennings said, “This is why Jesus said we must eat and drink of him, otherwise we will have no life in us.”

When you eat something, it becomes a part of you, he said. Jennings said Jesus told his disciples that whoever fed on him would abide in him just as he abided in his own faith. Also, in feeding on him they would have to possess a strong faith because the body of Christ does not mean anything unless you are a believer; but whoever believes in him will have everlasting life.

“Christianity means that he has saved you and his light has taken over you,” Jennings said.

Moralism is the enemy of the gospel, Jennings said. “God has clearly outlined his plans for your life which are in the Bible, the inspired word of God. The Bible says that the son of man has no place to lay his head. This is because of the amount of evil in the world,” he said.

“There is so much evil in the world because ‘we' are in the world,” Jennings said. “We must have the son of God in our lives because no helping hand will ever feel like the hand of Christ.”

Jennings said, “We have a glorious savior. Will you follow him?”

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Campbellsville University is a widely acclaimed Kentucky-based Christian university with over 3,000 students offering 63 undergraduate programs, 17 master's degrees and five postgraduate areas. The website for complete information is