Youth Ministries Coordinator Work Agreement, Greensburg United Methodist Church – Greensburg Methodist Church

Purpose of the position:

The Youth Ministries Coordinator of the Greensburg United Methodist Church is a ministry the church provides to the youth of the church. In many ways it is the ministry arm of the church that seeks to teach and engage the church youth in their spiritual walk and to engage them in their daily spiritual growth through ongoing and regularly scheduled gatherings. It is the responsibility of the Youth Ministries Coordinator to facilitate the goals of this ministry.

Reports to:

The Pastor and Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Committee directly.


The Youth Ministries Coordinator

  • Should show evidence of passion for youth ministry, prior effective ministry leadership, and evidence of active and growing discipleship. This person demonstrates a basic knowledge of youth development.
  • Should have the ability to listen to and communicate with people of all ages and the ability to work with other adults, youth ministry leaders, and youth.
  • Should have the ability to delegate responsibility and follow up to complete tasks.


The Youth Ministries Coordinator: 

  • Will begin regular Sunday church attendance.
  • Will be attentive to the hopes, concerns, and needs of the church youth and bring points of concern to the lead pastor as needed.
  • Will meet regularly with the lead pastor to be familiar with the congregation’s overall goals for youth ministries of the church.
  • Will advocate that all youth are welcome in the youth ministry program.
  • Will raise congregational awareness of the needs and contributions of the church youth.
  • Will set a regular pattern of meeting (at a minimum of 2 per month) with developed lesson plans and make those meeting dates available to the church in advance notice through the church calendar and the weekly bulletin.
  • Will be informed of and follow the Kentucky Conference child safety policies (Safe Sanctuary’s), procedures, and requirements that are to be followed by the local church.
  • Will build a team of volunteers to plan and carry out ministry by, with, and for youth in varied and wide-ranging programs that include worship, study, fellowship, service opportunities, and shall set, at the minimum, a quarterly youth calendar.

Accountable and Compensation:

Pay is annually at a rate of $ TBD.

An annual review will be based on: a self-evaluation, evaluation by the Pastor and the Pastor Parish Relations Committee. The first review will take place (6) six months after their initial first Sunday, then (1) once every year thereafter. The evaluation will be based on this job description.

To apply, please email or call (270) 932-3131