Presbyterian Church (USA) Job Opportunities Part 3

Institution: Presbyterian Church (USA)

Location: Headquarters in Louisville, KY; Various locations

Category: Ministry Leadership Jobs

Posted: 10/4/19

Online App Form: &



Coordinator, Young Adult Volunteer Program (World Mission) Presbyterian Mission Agency’s (PMA) call to be a Matthew 25 church includes missional goals designed to accompany the denomination in supporting the development of vital congregations, eradicating poverty, and dismantling structural racism and white supremacy. This includes being in solidarity with the PMA’s domestic constituency and international partners in common missional work that enhance the capacity of the global church. The incumbent in this position will provide overall leadership on of the Young Adult Volunteer program, in coordination with other World Mission (WM) and PMA programs, as well as external partners. The Coordinator will represent the program and seek out strategic alliances that enable the YAV program to foster cross-cultural mission, leadership development through faith in action, intentional Christian community, and a space for vocational discernment, all through the lens of PMA’s missional goals. To learn more about the job, please visit:


Mission Associate, International Property (World Mission) The incumbent in this position will serve as a knowledgeable resource and key implementer of actions related to international real estate, commensurate with the PC (USA) Real Estate policy, which affirms PC(USA)’s basic responsibility of stewardship, ensuring that the organization’s actions support mission work for the benefit of our global partners, including the transfer of real estate, and physically and legally safeguarding assets until such transfers take place. To learn more about the job, please visit: