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Graduate Admissions Requirements

Graduate Program Criteria

  1. Possession of a bachelor’s degree in music, or permission from the Graduate Music Admissions Committee.
  2. Submission of two letters of recommendation including one from an individual who can speak to the applicant’s academic and/or professional capabilities or potential.
  3. Submission of official transcripts of all college work from accredited institutions (both undergraduate and graduate) confirming a minimum GPA 2.75 on a 4.0 scale overall, including professional education courses, if applicable, and in the applicant’s undergraduate major or academic emphasis.
  4. Submission of an essay which discusses the applicant’s interest in and commitment to graduate study.
  5. Presentation of an audition. Live auditions are preferred; recordings of recent live performances are accepted with prior arrangement.
  6. All applicants must pass an entrance examination in music theory and music history and literature, and take appropriate steps to remediate any deficiencies.
  7. International students must show proficiency in English as a Second Language either through the TOEFL Exam (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or by completing the English as a Second Language (ESL) program at Campbellsville University. The minimum acceptable score on the TOEFL is 550 for the paper-based exam or 213 on the computer-based exam.
  8. MAM Musicology: Applicants must demonstrate a reading ability in either French or German. This may be satisfied by taking first-year French or German at the undergraduate level with a grade of B or higher.
  9. MM Music Education: Applicants must submit passing PRAXIS scores, a copy of teaching certificate, and a disposition form (provided by School of Education).

Requirements for the Music Graduate Program

  1. The program consists of completing 32 semester hours of credit successfully as specified in the applicant’s degree plan.
  2. No D grades and no more than 3 hours of C grades will count toward degree completion; no grade below B- will be allowed for applied study. The candidate must also have an overall 3.0 grade-point average for graduation.
  3. A maximum of 6 semester hours of graduate credit may be transferred from other accredited graduate institutions if those credits match the course requirements of the graduate program. Approval of transfer credits will result from an examination of the transcript (accompanied by appropriate documentation) by the Graduate Music Admissions Committee.
  4. A maximum of 6 hours may be taken by appointment.
  5. The graduate student will be required to write a research paper of 35-50 pages or present a recital of 40-60 minutes as specified in the respective degree plan. A final comprehensive examination is required.
  6. Each full-time resident graduate student must participate in a University-sponsored performing organization regardless of performance grant requirements.