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B.S. in Chemistry with Teacher Certification

Course Offerings

Chemistry Major with Teacher Certification – Bachelor of Science: 76 Hours

This major must be combined with the Secondary Education Minor.

Requirements: 44 Hours

CHE 111* General Chemistry I 3
CHE 112
General Chemistry II 3
CHE 113 General Chemistry I Lab 1
CHE 114 General Chemistry II Lab 2
CHE 321 Analytical Chemistry 4
CHE 315 Research Methods 1
CHE 341 Organic Chemistry I 3
CHE 342 Organic Chemistry II 3
CHE 343 Organic Chemistry I Lab 1
CHE 344 Organic Chemistry II Lab 2
CHE 350 Instrumental Analysis 4
CHE 380 Junior Seminar 1
CHE 450 Methods of Science Teaching 3
CHE 451 Physical Chemistry I 3
CHE 452 Physical Chemistry II 3
CHE 453 Physical Chemistry I Lab 1
CHE 454 Physical Chemistry II Lab 1
CHE 460 Biochemistry 4
CHE 480 Senior Seminar 1

Electives: 3 Hours

Choose courses from this list totaling at least three hours:
CHE 370 Inorganic Chemistry 3
CHE 385 Internship 1-4
CHE 390 Junior Research 1
CHE 400 Special Topics 4
CHE 490 Senior Research 1-3
CHE/ENV 355 Environmental Chemistry 4

Supporting Courses: 29

Take each course on this list:
PHY 241 General University Physics I 4
PHY 242 General University Physics II 4
PHY 243 General University Physics I Lab 1
PHY 244 General University Physics II Lab 1
MTH 210* Calculus I 4
MTH 211 Calculus II 4
MTH 310 Calculus III 4
BIO 200* Biological Concepts 3
GEO 105* Introductory Earth Science 3
GEO 106 Introductory Earth Science Lab 1

Recommended Courses

Both courses on this list:
MTH 311 Differential Equations 3
MTH 331 Probability and Statistics 3

One course on this list:
CS Programming Language Course 3
CS 160* CIS I 4

The student must complete the following courses with a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher: CHE 111, 112, 113, 109, 114 and MTH 210, 211.

* General Education Course