Multiple Position, The Presbyterian Church, Multiple Locations

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has several openings for which we are seeking

qualified candidates looking for a call working at the national level. The positions





Director of General Assembly Planning, (Office of the General Assembly, Louisville, KY)

The Director demonstrates a commitment to continue to dismantle white supremacy, sexism and racism in the Office of the General Assembly and the PC(U.S.A.). The position fosters collaboration, innovation and openness with colleagues, constituents, and the wider church. It calls for servant leadership with an open and consultative operating style with colleagues in and beyond the Office of the General Assembly, guided by the goals set for the planning, execution, and review of the biennial General Assembly and sharing leadership in establishing and carrying out advanced planning for meetings and future assemblies.


Manager, OGA Publications, (Office of the General Assembly, Louisville, KY)

This position calls for a commitment to the mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) as noted in its theological confessions, the Book of Order, and the actions of the General Assembly. The Manager demonstrates a commitment to continue to dismantle white supremacy, sexism and racism in the Office of the General Assembly and the PC(U.S.A.). The position fosters collaboration, innovation and openness with colleagues, constituents, and the wider church.


Paralegal II, (Office of the General Assembly, Louisville, KY)

This position will support the covenantal life of the PC(USA) in two different ways: 1) by assisting and staffing the General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission (GAPJC) with administrative paralegal-style work, and 2) by serving as an advocate for keeping all church spaces safe from abuse. This position will also coordinate the relationship between the Office of the General Assembly and the Insurance Board and Praesidium, Inc. around abuse prevention and responses.


Assistant for Committee and Administrative Support (Term Contract), (Office of the General Assembly, Louisville, KY)

This position will support administratively the standing and specials committees of the General Assembly, as well as the Deputy Stated Clerk and the Director of Mid Council Ministries, as they engage in the work they have been called to in support of the God’s mission with and for the PC(USA).


Religious News Service Project Archivist, (Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, PA)

This is a grant-funded position with two openings for a limited term of 27 months. The two RNS Project Archivists will work as a team to appraise, rehouse, digitize, and describe the Religious News Service photograph collection of approximately 60,000 photo files. A minimum of 22,500 images will be selected for digitization during the project term. Throughout the grant period, the RNS Project Archivists will contribute to PHS communications and outreach to share about the collection and the project’s progress.


Archive Technician, (Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, PA)

Copy-catalogs library materials; maintains archival vertical file collections; assists with metadata, data entry projects, and digitization; re-shelves and retrieves collection materials for patrons.