Kentucky State Police Hiring Qualified Individuals

Institution: Kentucky State Police

Location: Kentucky

Category: Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement

Posted: 8/7/19

Type: Full-Time

Contact: Recruitment Branch by email:


There are four options to qualify for KSP Cadet Trooper.  At the time of application, an applicant must meet at least one of following qualifications:

  • High school graduate (includes GED) and three years of full-time work experience.
    • Work experience must equate to at least thirty-six (36) months of employment, volunteer work, paid or unpaid internships, having worked an average minimum of thirty (30) hours per week or 130 hours per month.  Applicants applying with this option must complete a Work Experience Verification Form and submit with the application packet.
    • Applicants will earn an associate degree while in the academy.
  • Sixty (60) semester hours of credit from an accredited college or university.
  • High school graduate with at least two (2) years of active military duty.
  • Two (2) years of experience as a full-time, sworn law enforcement officer.



In 2017, the Kentucky State Police implemented a policy that allows a trooper cadet applicant, who did not have 60 hours of college credit, to earn those hours while attending the training academy. Cadets in this program earn an Associate Degree in General Occupational and Technical Studies from the Bluegrass Community and Technical College.

  • Cadets attend classes in the evening after KSP Academy training.
  • Cadets appointed under this program must complete an associate degree or 60 semester hours of credit prior to the end of probation.


  • Minimum Score for Males is 20.
  • Minimum Score for Females is 15.
  • KSP CrossFit website is The Thin Gray Line CrossFit, the official CrossFit affiliate of the Kentucky State Police Academy.  Applicants are encouraged to visit the website and begin the fitness training regimen.
  • PT Score is combined with Interview score to determine standing in applicant pool.  A minimum cut-off score is established for each cadet class; applicants scoring below the cut-off are notified and removed from the process.
  • PT testing will be conducted primarily in Frankfort with limited testing in Eastern and Western Kentucky.


  • KSP is now using a new test which replaces the former written exam. The aptitude test is a proctored exam, given on a computer and is part of the Kentucky Career Readiness Certificate program.  The test measures three core employability skills: reading, mathematics and locating information.
  • Scoring: To be eligible to continue in the selection process, applicants must achieve a Gold Certificate level on all three core employability skill areas.
  • Study Guide:  After an applicant submits an application, they will receive an email with a User ID and temporary password to access study courseware on the Career Readiness website.
  • Aptitude testing will be conducted primarily in Frankfort with limited testing in Eastern and Western Kentucky.


Age Requirement:  Applicants under the age of 21 years of age may apply as long as they will be 21 years of age at the time of graduating the academy.

Age Limit: There is no age limit as long as the applicant can pass both the physical test and a physical examination.

Application Process: After an application is received, it is processed by Recruitment Branch personnel and an email is sent to the applicant confirming receipt and notifying them of upcoming events. The primary means of communicating with applicants throughout the selection process is via email.  Applicants should check their spam and junk folders periodically as some communications are sent to large groups of applicants and internet providers may recognize these emails as spam and or junk and not allow them through.

Drug Cuts:  Applicants cut from the selection process due to illegal drug use will be notified and advised of their right to appeal to the KSP Personnel Board.  The applicant has the option to state their case in writing, which will be used by the Personnel Board to make a determination or they may choose to appear in person and state their case before the Personnel Board. If they choose to appeal and are successful, they will be notified and will resume the selection process at the point in which they were cut.

Previous applicants who wish to reapply: To be eligible for a future cadet class, previous applicants, regardless of how far they advanced in a previous cadet class application process, need to submit a new application packet, complete with required documents.  Applicants who hold a Gold Certificate on the aptitude test are exempt from re-taking the aptitude test.

Tattoo Policy: Tattoos or body piercings shall not be visible while in any agency issued uniform. A short sleeve uniform is required to be worn during summer months, which prevents applicants with visible tattoos below the elbow from being employed.  Applicants who have visible tattoos may apply and begin the selection process as long as any visible tattoos are removed before the academy start date.  Applicants should consult with the Recruitment Branch for further information.

For more information, contact the Recruitment Branch at  The Recruitment email is also the preferred means for applicants to contact the Recruitment Branch, as the mailbox can be monitored remotely even when branch personnel are away from the office.